Saek-Angyeong (Colored Glasses)
Saek-Angyeong, which means colored glasses in literal translation, is a common reference in Korean to denote a narrow attitude in which people see only the things they wish to see. To express this phrase, I depicted a woman wearing a pair of red glasses who appears to be picking only red items. The shopping scene also relates to this idea of Saek-Angyeong, as these products symbolize an individual's selective and subjective perspective on his or her own world view.
Using metaphorical terms like 'money,' 'beauty,' and 'social standing' on red items against the black and white composition, I have formed an ambiance that mirrors the value systems people embrace and chase after. The visually striking red imagery against the colorless background indicates how much these social values mean to individuals and how they affect people's minds and behaviors.